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Heads of The Insititute


Dr.P.Harikrishna,MD (Forensic Medicine & Toxicology)

Medical Superintendent

Brigadier Dr.P.Suresh Kumar Patel SM

Gender Harassment Committee

Details of members of the Gender Harassment Committee with contact details includinglandline Ph. mobile, email etc...
Chairperson – DR.V.Suguna
Prof & HOD GYN & OBG

Coordinator- DR. M. Chandra Sheker
Medical Superintendent ,MAMS

Co- Coordinator- DR. V.Sunanda
Prof.& HOD Biochemistry, MAMS

MEMBERS:- (1) DR. Swathi.P
SR- Psychiatry, MAMS

(2) DR. Sunil.D
Asst. Prof of Forensic Medicine, MAMS

(3) Mr. K.S.BABJI
Director MES.

The Committee will assemble and when required to discuss the academic and student related activities.

Landline :9121333206